Alexander Ehmann

Liberal Democrat Councillor for St Margaret's and North Twickenham Learn more

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Speaking up for Arts, Culture and Sport

by alexanderehmann on 13 June, 2014

Cllr Alexander Ehmann Appointed to Richmond's Shadow Cabinet

Cllr Alexander Ehmann – Opposition Spokesperson for Arts, Culture and Sport

This week I was delighted to have been asked by Liberal Democrat Group Leader, Cllr Stephen Knight to join the Shadow Cabinet team.  As Opposition Spokesperson for Arts, Culture and Sport, I’m looking forward to getting out and meeting as many of the excellent individuals that help to bring our Borough to (cultural) life.

My first priority is to get out into our cultural community and listen to the views of others.  I really want to get underneath the skin of what is happening in our Borough and understand what is working well and what requires more attention.

So, lots to do.  Particularly when you consider that I will be doing this alongisde my top priority – continuing to be one of the three dedicated and hard-working local councillors that our area needs.  Rest assured that my colleagues and I will still be communicating with local residents and acting on your behalf to tackle the key issues and priorities in St Margaret’s and North Twickenham.

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